This initiative offers settlement options to conflict parties and those supporting them in the search for peace.

A settlement is possible

Key Documents 9

Negotiation News 9

Additional Resources 9

Consultation Process 9


Peace Agreements and Other Relevant Instruments

Sykes-Picot Agreement (UK, France) 1916

Balfour Declaration (UK) 2 November 1917

Anglo-French Declaration 7 November 1918

Palestine Mandate 24 July 1922

Report of the Arab-UK Committee on the McMahon-Husain Correspondence 16 March 1939

Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement 24 February 1949

Israeli-Lebanese General Armistice Agreement 23 March 1949

Jordan-Israel General Armistice Agreement 3 April 1949

Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement 20 July 1949

Egyptian-Israeli Agreement on Disengagement of Forces in Pursuance of Geneva Peace Conference (Sinai I) 18 January 1974

Separation of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria 31 May 1974

Interim Agreement between Israel and Egypt (Sinai II) 4 September 1975

Framework for Peace in the Middle East and Framework for a Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt (Camp David Accords) 17 September 1978

Peace Treaty between the State of Israel and the Arab Republic of Egypt 26 March 1979

Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo Accords) 13 September 1993

Agreed Common Agenda (Israel, Jordan) 14 September 1993

Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho Area (Cairo Agreement) 4 May 1994

Washington Declaration (Israel, Jordan) 25 July 1994

Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities 29 August 1994

Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 26 October 1994

Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II) 28 September 1995

Israel-Lebanon Ceasefire Understanding 26 April 1996

Agreement on the Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron 9 May 1996

Protocol concerning the Redeployment in Hebron 17 January 1997

Agreement on the Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (II) 21 January 1997

Wye River Memorandum 23 October 1998

Sharm el Sheikh Memorandum on Implementation Timeline on Outstanding Commitments and Resumption of Permanent Status Negotiations 4 September 1999

Protocol concerning Safe Passage between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 5 October 1999

Performance-based Road Map to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 30 April 2003

The Disengagement Plan – General Outline 18 April 2004

Cabinet Resolution regarding the Disengagement Plan 6 June 2004

Agreement on Movement and Access: Principles for Rafah Crossing 15 November 2005

Annapolis Conference Joint Understanding on Negotiations 27 November 2007

Understanding Regarding Ceasefire in Gaza Strip 21 November 2012

Abraham Accords (Israel, Bahrain, Morocco, UAE, Sudan) 15 September 2020


International and Regional Organisations


Palestine Mandate 24 July 1922



UN Security Council Resolution 181 (II) 29 November 1947

UN Security Council Resolution 242 22 November 1967

UN Security Council Resolution 338 22 October 1973

UN Security Council Resolution 465 1 March 1980  

UN Security Council Resolution 1397 12 March 2002  

UN Security Council Resolution 1515 19 November 2003  

UN Security Council Resolution 1860 8 January 2009

UN Security Council Resolution 2334 23 December 2016

UN Security Council Resolution 2712 15 November 2023

UN Security Council Resolution 2720 22 December 2023

UN Security Council Resolution 2728 25 March 2024

UN Security Council Resolution 2735 10 June 2024  



UNGA Resolution ES-10/15: On the Advisory Opinion 20 July 2004

UNGA Resolution ES-10/17: UN Register of Damage 15 December 2006

UNGA Resolution 67/19: Status of Palestine in the UN 29 November 2012

UNGA Resolution 71/247: Permanent Sovereignty of Palestinian People over Natural Resources 21 December 2016

UNGA Resolution 77/247: Request for an Advisory Opinion from the ICJ 30 December 2022  

UNGA Resolution ES-10/21: Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Obligations 27 October 2023  

UNGA Resolution ES-10/22: Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Obligations 12 December 2023  

UNGA Resolution 78/78: Israeli Settlements 7 December 2023  

UNGA Resolution ES-10/23: Admission of New Members 10 May 2024



Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 9 July 2004  

Application of Genocide Convention (South Africa v. Israel), Provisional Measures, Order of 26 January 2024  

Application of Genocide Convention (South Africa v. Israel), Provisional Measures, Order of 28 March 2024  

Application of Genocide Convention (South Africa v. Israel), Provisional Measures, Order of 24 May 2024  

Advisory Opinion on the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 July 2024  



Human Rights Council, Report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict 25 September 2009



Referral by the State of Palestine 15 May 2018  

Statement of the ICC Prosecutor on the Conclusion of the Preliminary Investigation of the Situation in Palestine 20 December 2019

Pre-Trial Chamber I, Decision on the Court’s Territorial Jurisdiction in Palestine 5 February 2021  

Statement of the ICC Prosecutor on the Situation in the Palestinian Territories: Receipt of Referral 17 November 2023

Statement of the ICC Prosecutor: Applications for Arrest Warrants 20 May 2024



Arab Peace Initiative 28 March 2002

General Secretariat’s Statement on 106th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration 2 November 2023

Bahrain Declaration 16 May 2024



OIC Executive Committee, Final Communique on the Brutal Israeli Military Aggression Against the Palestinian People 18 October 2023  

PUIC Standing Committee, Final Declaration of Extraordinary Meeting 10 January 2024

Council of Foreign Ministers, Resolution on Continuing Israeli Aggression Against the Palestinian People 15 March 2024  



Resolution on Israeli Aggression Against the Palestinian People 11 November 2023  

Riyadh Co-Chair Statement on Efforts to Implement the Two-State Solution 29 April 2024  



Peace Day Effort 18 September 2023

Press Remarks by High Rep/Vice-President Borrell after Meeting the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority 17 November 2023

10/12-Point Peace Roadmap 22 January 2024

Statement by EUSR Koopmans to the UN Security Council 18 April 2024

Joint Statement by EU and Norway on Joint Partners Meeting in Brussels 27 May 2024

Statement by the High Representative on so-called Legalization of Outposts in the West Bank 3 July 2024



G7 Apulia Leaders’ Communique 14 June 2024   

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Situation in the West Bank 12 July 2024   

Mediation & Peace Operations

Other Governments


Joint Leaders’ Statement on Gaza 6 June 2024

Quad Leaders’ Statement on the Situation in the Middle East 6 June 2024

French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024

Joint Statement from the Leaders of the United States, Egypt and Qatar 8 August 2024

Joint Statement from the Leaders of France, Germand and the United Kingdom on the Middle East 12 August 2024

Joint Statement from the United States, Egypt and Qatar 16 August 2024


Truman Trusteeship Proposal 25 March 1948

Peace to Prosperity: Peace Plan of President Trump January 2020

Statement by President Trump on Jerusalem 7 December 2020

Press Statement by Secretary Blinken in Tokyo (Tokyo Principles) 8 November 2023

Remarks by President Biden on a Three-Phase Roadmap to an Enduring Ceasefire 31 May 2024

French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024



Press Release after Egyptian-Jordanian-Palestinian Summit 10 January 2024

Meeting between President El-Sisi and the US Secretary of State 11 January 2024



French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024


Press Statement by the Tanaiste at Joint Press Conference with Foreign Ministers of Spain and Norway 27 May 2024

Statement by the Tanaiste on Recognition of the State of Palestine 28 May 2024



Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Efforts for a Two State Solution 29 April 2024

Press Release: Norway Recognises Palestine as a State 22 May 2024

Joint Statement by EU and Norway on Joint Partners Meeting in Brussels 27 May 2024



Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 8 October 2023

Statement at the UN Security Council Meeting 29 November 2023

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