This initiative offers settlement options to conflict parties and those supporting them in the search for peace.

A settlement is possible

Draft Settlement 9

Settlement Options 9

Key Documents 9

Negotiation News 9

Additional Resources 9


Peace Agreements and Other Relevant Instruments

Agreement establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States 8 December 1991  

Alma-Ata Declaration 21 December 1991  

Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum) 5 December 1994  

Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation 31 May 1997  

NATO Bucharest Summit Declaration 3 April 2008

Protocol on the Outcome of Consultations of the Trilateral Contact Group (Minsk I) 5 September 2014  

Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements (Minsk II) 12 February 2015  

Black Sea Grain Initiative 22 July 2022  

Memorandum of Understanding between Russia and the United Nations on Promoting Russian Food Products and Fertilizers to the World Market 22 July 2022  

Agreement on Security Cooperation between the UK and Ukraine 12 January 2024  

Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-Term Support between Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany 16 February 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and France 16 February 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Canada 24 February 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and the Netherlands 1 March 2024

Agreement on between Ukraine and Latvia on Long-term Support and Security Commitments 11 April 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Spain 27 May 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Portugal 28 May 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-term Support between Ukraine and Belgium 28 May 2024

Bilateral Security Agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine 13 June 2024

Accord on Support for Ukraine and Cooperation between Ukraine and Japan 13 June 2024

Joint Security Commitments between Ukraine and the European Union 27 June 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-term Support between Ukraine and Estonia 27 June 2024

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania 27 June 2024

Conflict Parties


Article by Vladimir Putin ‘On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians’ 13 July 2022

Treaties of Friendship with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic 21 February 2022  

Federal Law on Ratification of the Treaty of Friendship with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic 22 February 2022

Address by the President of the Russian Federation 22 February 2022

Address by the President of the Russian Federation 24 February 2022

Russian Federation, UNSC Statement 25 February 2022

Russian Federation, UNSC Statement 27 February 2022

Russian Federation, UNGA Special Emergency Session Statement 28 February 2022

Statement of the Russian Permanent Mission in Connection with the Appeal of the UN Secretariat to Ensure a Cease-fire 28 March 2022

Letter from the Russian Federation to the United Nations attaching Treaties of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic 3 March 2022  

Vladimir Putin Meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 26 April 2022

Address by the President of the Russian Federation 21 September 2022

Executive Orders on Recognition of the Zaporozhye Region and the Kherson Region 29 September 2022

Signing of Treaties on Accession of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions to Russia 30 September 2022

Explanation of Vote by Permanent Representative Nebenzya before Voting on the UNSC resolution on referendums in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye, and Kherson Regions 30 September 2022

Resolution of the Russian Constitutional Court on Constitutionality of Treaties of Admission for the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region, and Kherson Region 2 October 2022

Executive Orders on Acting Head of Donetsk People’s Republic, Acting Head of Lugansk People’s Republic, Acting Governor of Zaporozhye Region, and Acting Governor of Kherson Region 4 October 2022

Law Ratifying the Accession of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region, and Kherson Region 4 October 2022

Federal Constitutional Law on the Accession of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region, and Kherson Region 4 October 2022

Letter to the President of the Security Council concerning Biological Weapons on Ukrainian Territory 26 October 2022  

Foreign Ministry Statement on the Black Sea Grain Initiative for the Export of Ukrainian Grain 29 October 2022

Joint Statement on China and the Russian Federation on Settling the Ukraine Crisis through Dialogue 22 March 2023

Address by President Putin at the G20 Summit 22 November 2023

Speech by President Putin at the Russian Foreign Ministry 14 June 2024


Decree No 64 / 2022 by the President of Ukraine declaring a State of Emergency 23 February 2022  

Address by the President of Ukraine 24 February 2022

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the United Nations on Russia’s false and offensive allegations of genocide as a pretext for its unlawful military aggression against Ukraine 26 February 2022  

Note Verbale to the Council of Europe declaring a State of Emergency 28 February 2022  

10-Point Plan proposed by Ukrainian Delegation to the Russian Delegation 29 March 2022

Statement by President Zelenskyy at the UN Security Council 5 April 2022

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the 11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly 7 April 2022

Statement by President Zelenskyy at the UN Security Council Meeting 28 June 2022

Speech by the President of Ukraine at the General Debate of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly 21 September 2022

Speech by President Zelenskyy at the Meeting of the UN Security Council convened at the Initiative of Ukraine 27 September 2022

Address by President Zelenskyy on Ukraine’s Application for Accelerated Accession to NATO 30 September 2022

Decree of the President of Ukraine No 687/2022 4 October 2022

Address by the President of Ukraine to the G20 Summit outlining Ukraine’s Peace Proposal, Indonesia 15 November 2022

Decree of the President of Ukraine No 820/2022 (on activity of religious organisations) 1 December 2022

Address by the President of Ukraine to a Joint Meeting of the US Congress 22 December 2022

Statement by the President of Ukraine at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly 19 September 2023  

Address by the President of Ukraine at the UN Security Council Meeting 20 September 2023

International and Regional Organizations


UNSC Resolution 2623 (2022) 27 February 2022  

Draft UNSC Resolution, UN Doc S/2022/155 25 February 2022  

Russian Federation: Draft UNSC Resolution 15 March 2022  

Draft UNSC Resolution, UN Doc S/2022/720 30 September 2022  


UN General Assembly Resolution 68/262 (Territorial Integrity of Ukraine) 27 March 2014  

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/1 (Aggression Against Ukraine) 2 March 2022  

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/2 (Humanitarian Consequences of the Aggression Against Ukraine) 24 March 2022  

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/3 (Suspension of the rights of membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council) 7 April 2022

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/4 (Territorial Integrity of Ukraine) 12 October 2022  

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/5 14 November 2022  

UN General Assembly Resolution ES-11/6 23 February 2023  


Remarks to the General Assembly on Ukraine 23 February 2022

Statement by the Secretary-General – on Ukraine 24 February 2022

Remarks at the UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine 5 April 2022

António Guterres and Sergey Lavrov comments 26 April 2022

Opening Remarks at Press Conference with President of Ukraine 28 April 2022

Remarks to the Security Council – on Ukraine 5 May 2022

Remarks on Russian Decision on Annexation of Ukrainian Territory 29 September 2022


Human Rights Council, Resolution 49/14 March 2022  

UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Update on Ukraine, 24 February – 26 March 202228 March 2022  

Human Rights Council, Resolution S-34/112 May 2022  

Opening Statement: Press Conference by the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine at the Conclusion of its First Visit to Ukraine15 June 2022  

UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, The Situation of Human Rights in Ukraine in the Context of the Armed Attack by the Russian Federation, 24 February – 15 May 202229 June 2022  

Update by the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 51st Session of the Human Rights Council23 September 2022  

UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 February – 31 July 202227 September 2022  

Human Rights Council, Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in the Russian Federation7 October 2022  

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine18 October 2022  

UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Update on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August – 31 October 20222 December 2022  

OHCHR, Thematic Report on the Killing of Civilians7 December 2022  

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine15 March 2023

OHCHR, Report on the Treatment of POWs and Persons Hors de Combat, 24 Februrary 2022 – 23 February 202324 March 2023

OHCHR, Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 August 2022 – 31 January 202324 March 2023  

OHCHR, Report on the Situation of Human Rights in the Temporarily Occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol26 May 2023  

OHCHR, Report on the Detention of Civilians, 24 February 2022 – 23 May 202327 June 2023  

Conference Room Paper of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine29 August 2023  

UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine, 1 February – 31 July 20234 October 2023  

OHCHR, Ten Years of Occupation by the Russian Federation: Human Rights in Crimea and Sevastopol28 February 2024  

OHCHR, Report on the Human Rights Situation during the Russian Occupation of Ukrainian Territory19 March 2024  


Damaged Cultural Sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO



Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Order on the Indication of Provisional Measures 19 April 2017  

Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Judgment on Preliminary Objections 8 November 2019  

Application by Ukraine Instituting Proceedings on Allegations of Genocide 27 February 2022  

Request by Ukraine for Indication of Provisional Measures on Allegations of Genocide 27 February 2022  

Submission by the Russian Federation setting out its position on ‘lack of jurisdiction’ on Allegations of Genocide 7 March 2022  

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Order on Provisional Measures 16 March 2022  

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Order on the Admissibility of the Declarations of Intervention 5 June 2023  

Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Judgment 31 January 2024  

Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Judgment on Preliminary Objections 2 February 2024  


First Declaration by Ukraine Accepting ICC Jurisdiction9 April 2014  

Second Declaration by Ukraine Accepting ICC Jurisdiction8 September 2015  

Statement by the ICC Prosecutor on the Situation in Ukraine 28 February 2022

Statement by the ICC Prosecutor on the Issuance of Arrest Warrants 17 March 2023

Statement by the ICC Prosecutor on the Issuance of Arrest Warrants 5 March 2024

Statement by the ICC Prosecutor on the Issuance of Arrest Warrants 25 June 2024


IAEA Board Resolution: The Safety, Security and Safeguards Implications of the Situation in Ukraine3 March 2022  

First Summary Report by the Director General24 February – 28 April 2022  

Second Summary Report by the Director General28 April – 5 September 2022  

IAEA Board Report by the Director General, 9 September 2022   and its Corrigendum  

IAEA Board Resolution: The Safety, Security and Safeguards Implications of the Situation in Ukraine15 September 2022  

IAEA Report, Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards in Ukraine: February 2022 – February 202323 February 2023  


Ukraine Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment: August 202231 July 2022  

Ukraine Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment: February 2022 – February 202320 March 2023  



NATO Bucharest Summit Declaration 3 April 2008

Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government on Russia’s attack on Ukraine 25 February 2022

Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the Extraordinary meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence 16 March 2022

Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the extraordinary Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government 24 March 2022

Madrid Summit Declaration 29 June 2022

Press Point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg 30 September 2022

Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on Poland 16 November 2022

Joint Statement between NATO and Japan 31 January 2023

Statement by the North Atlantic Council Marking One Year of Russia’s War of Aggression against Ukraine 24 February 2023

Vilnius Summit Communique 11 July 2023

NATO Allies: Joint Statement to the OSCE Ministerial Council 2023 1 December 2023

Washington Summit Declaration 11 July 2024


Joint statement on Russia’s recognition of certain areas of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts as independent 21 February 2022

Press Statement of Special Representative Kinnunen on Russian President Putin’s announcement to recognize certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions of Ukraine 22 February 2022

Joint statement by OSCE Chairman-in-Office Rau and Secretary General Schmid on Russia’s launch of a military operation in Ukraine 24 February 2022

Invocation of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism to Address Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Joint Statement 3 March 2022

OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission of Experts, Report on Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity13 April 2022  

OSCE, Announcement of Closure of Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine 28 April 2022

OSCE Representative, Joint Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine and the Importance of Freedom of Expression and Information 2 May 2022

OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission of Experts, Second Report on Violation of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity 14 July 2022

OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission Rapporteur, Report on Russia’s Legal and Administrative Practice in Light of its OSCE Human Dimension Commitments 22 September 2022  

Press Release by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Parliamentary Assembly President, Secretary General, and PA Secretary General to condemn Russia’s Illegal Annexation of Ukrainian Territory 30 September 2022

OSCE Second Interim Report on Reported Violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in Ukraine 14 December 2022

Statement by the OSCE Troika on the Anniversary of the Invasion 24 April 2023

OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission of Experts, Third Report on Violations related to the Forcible Transfer and/or Deportation of Ukrainian Children 4 May 2023


Council of Ministers, Decision CM/Del/Dec(2022)1426bis/2.3 24 February 2022

Council of Ministers, Decision CM/Del/Dec(2022)1426ter/2.3 25 February 2022

Council of Ministers, Decision CM/Del/Dec(2022)1428bis/2.3 10 March 2022

Parliamentary Assembly, Consequences of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, Opinion 300 (2022) 15 March 2022

Joint Statement of Council of Europe leaders on the exclusion of the Russian Federation from the Council of Europe 15 March 2022

Council of Ministers, Resolution CM/Res(2022)2 on the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe 16 March 2022

Council of Ministers, Resolution CM/Res(2022)3 on legal and financial consequences of the cessation of membership of the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe 23 March 2022

Joint Declaration on Reconstruction of Ukraine 2 June 2022  

Council of Ministers, Decision CM/Del/Dec(2022)1442/2.3 15 September 2022

Parliamentary Assembly, Resolution 2463: Further Escalation in the Russian Federation’s Aggression against Ukraine 13 October 2022  

Committee of Ministers, Resolution CM/Res(2023)3 establishing the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage 16 May 2023

Statement by President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Condemning Local Elections in Occupied Territories 4 September 2023

Parliamentary Assembly, Resolution 2529: Situation of the Children of Ukraine 26 January 2024  


ECtHR, Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea), Grand Chamber, Decision 16 December 2020

ECtHR, Press Release on Interim Measures in Application concerning Russian Military Operations on Ukrainian Territory 1 March 2022  

ECtHR, Press Release on Measures Applied in respect of Cases in which Ukraine is a Respondent or an Applicant Government following the Military Attack of February 2022 2 March 2022  

ECtHR, Press Release on Interim Measures in Individual Applications concerning Russian Military Operations on Ukrainian Territory 4 March 2022  

ECtHR, Press Release on Expansion of Interim Measures in relation to Russian Military Action in Ukraine 1 April 2022  

ECtHR, Case of Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia (Downing of MH17), Grand Chamber, Admissibility Decision 25 January 2023

ECtHR, Case of Ukraine v. Russia (Re Crimeria), Grand Chamber, Judgment 25 June 2024


European Parliament, ‘The Decision of Russia’s President is a Serious Violation of International Law’, Press Release 22 February 2022

Joint statement by the members of the European Council 24 February 2022

Press statement of President Charles Michel of the European Council and President Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission on Russia’s unprecedented and unprovoked military aggression of Ukraine 24 February 2022

European Council, Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the Illegal Annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol 25 February 2022

Statement of the heads of state or government, meeting in Versailles, on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine 10 March 2022

European Council conclusions on the Russian military aggression against Ukraine 24 March 2022

European Council, Conclusions 25 March 2022  

European Parliament, Resolution on the EU’s Protection of Children and Young People Fleeing the War in Ukraine 7 April 2022

European Parliament, Resolution on the Impact of the War against Ukraine on Women 5 May 2022

European Parliament, Resolution on the Fight against Impunity for War Crimes in Ukraine 19 May 2022

European Council, Conclusions 31 May 2022  

European Commission, Opinion on Ukraine’s Application for Membership of the European Union 16 June 2022

European Council, Conclusions on Membership Applications 24 June 2022

Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the Illegal ‘Referenda’ in Luhansk, Kherson and Donetsk 20 September 2022

European Council, Statement by the Members of the European Council 30 September 2022

Statement by High Representative Josep Borell on the ZNPP latest decree 8 October 2022

Statement by President von der Leyen on Russian Accountability and the Use of Russian Frozen Assets 30 November 2022

European Parliament, Resolution on the Establishment of a Special Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine 19 January 2023

European Parliament, Resolution on the Legal and Human Rights Aspects of the Russian Federation’s Aggression Against Ukraine 26 January 2023

Joint Statement following the 24th EU-Ukraine Summit 3 February 2023

Statement by President von der Leyen on the Establishment of the International Centre for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression against Ukraine 4 March 2023

European Parliament, Resolution on the Sustainable Reconstruction and Integration of Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic Community 15 June 2023

European Council, Press Release on a Facility to Support Ukraine 20 June 2023

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Establishing the Ukraine Facility 20 June 2023  

Declaration of the EU-CELAC Summit 2023 18 July 2023

European Council, Conclusions 27 Octover 2023  

Enlargement Report of the European Commission on Ukraine 8 November 2023  

EU Statement to the OSCE Permanent Council on Russia’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine 21 March 2024

Joint Security Commitments between Ukraine and the European Union 27 June 2024



G7 Leaders’ Statement on the invasion of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation 24 February 2022

G7 Leaders’ Statement on Ukraine 11 March 2022

G7 Leaders’ Statement – Brussels 24 March 2022

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement 7 April 2022

G7 Leaders’ Statement 8 May 2022

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement 14 May 2022

G7 Statement on Support for Ukraine 27 June 2022  

G7 Leaders’ Communiqué 28 June 2022  

G7 Leaders’ Statement on Sham Referenda 23 September 2022

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Illegal Annexation of Sovereign Ukrainian Territory 30 September 2022

G7 Leaders’ Statement 11 October 2022

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement 4 November 2022   

G7 Leaders’ Statement 24 February 2023   

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement 18 April 2023  

G7 Leaders’ Statement on Ukraine 19 May 2023  

G7 Leaders’ Statement on Economic Resilience and Economic Security 20 May 2023   

Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine 12 July 2023  

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the “elections” in illegally annexed regions 12 September 2023   

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement 8 November 2023   

G7 Leaders’ Statement 6 December 2023   

G7 Leaders’ Statement 24 February 2024   

G7 Apulia Leaders’ Communique 14 June 2024   


G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration 16 November 2022  


Statement from the Chair of the African Union on the Situation in Ukraine 24 February 2022  


Statement from the OAS General Secretariat on the Russian Attack on Ukraine 24 February 2022

OAS Permanent Council, Resolution on the Situation in Ukraine, CP/RES. 1192 (2371/22) 25 March 2022  

OAS Permanent Council, Resolution on the Suspension of Russia’s Status as a Permanent Observer to the OAS 21 April 2022


ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Situation in Ukraine 26 February 2022  

ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement Calling for a Ceasefire in Ukraine 3 March 2022  

ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Reported Killing of Civilians in Ukraine 8 April 2022  


2022 Leaders’ Declaration 19 November 2022


BRICS Countries Clarify Common Position on Ukraine Issue 14 April 2022

XIV BRICS Summit Beijing Declaration 23 June 2022



Communiqué on developments in the crisis in Ukraine issued by the Council of the League of Arab States at the level of permanent representatives at its extraordinary session 28 February 2022  

Conclusions of Emergency Meeting on Developments and Events in Ukraine 9 March 2022

Agreement of the Arab League’s Contact Group on Activating Action against the Ukrainian Crisis 5 June 2022


Statement by the General Secretariat of the OIC: OIC Calls for Political Solution to Ukraine Crisis 28 February 2022

Islamabad Declaration 23 March 2022

Other Governments


Switzerland: Summit on Peace in Ukraine: News Corner 

China: FM Spokesperson’s Regular Press Conference 31 May 2024

China: FM Spokesperson’s Regular Press Conference 11 June 2024

Russia: FM Spokeswoman’s Comment on the Latest Copenhagen Format Meeting on Ukraine 16 June 2024

Joint Communique on a Peace Framework at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine 16 June 2024


Joint Declaration on the Situation in Ukraine before the OAS 25 February 2022  

Joint Statement following a Vote on a UN Security Council Resolution on Russia’s Aggression Towards Ukraine 25 February 2022

Statement from the Leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force 25 February 2022

Joint Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine by the UK, Canada and the Netherlands 7 March 2022

Statement from the Leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force 15 March 2022

Joint Statement of International Support for Ukraine and Russian Aggression 18 March 2022

US-Singapore Joint Leaders’ Statement 29 March 2022

Joint Message by China and Thailand on the Ukraine Issue 3 April 2022

Joint Statement on Ukraine’s Application against Russia before the ICJ 20 May 2022

Joint Statement on the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) for Ukraine by the US, EU and UK 25 May 2022

Joint Statement on supporting Ukraine’s Application against Russia before the ICJ 13 July 2022

Joint Statement on the Situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant 14 August 2022

Joint Statement of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine 27 August 2022

Joint Statement of Presidents of Central and Eastern European NATO Member States on Russian Attempts to Illegally Annex Ukrainian Territories 2 October 2022

Joint Declaration of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland following the Second Summit of the Lublin Triangle 11 January 2023

Joint Statement of the United States and Japan 13 January 2023

Bucha Declaration on Accountability for the Most Serious Crimes under International Law committed on the Territory of Ukraine 31 March 2023

Joint Statement of Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine 13 April 2023

Joint Statement of the Nordic-Ukrainian Summit 3 May 2023

Co-Chairs Statement by Ukraine and the UK: Ukraine Recovery Conference 22 June 2023  

Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit 28 July 2023

Joint Statement following the Engagement between the President of the Russian Federation and the Leaders of the African Peace Initiative 4 August 2023

Statement by the Co-Chairs Malta and Ukraine on results of the meeting regarding key principles of Peace for Ukraine 28 October 2023

EU-US Joint Statement following Joint Ministerial Meeting on Justice and Home Affairs 14 November 2023

Joint Statement of the International Summit “Grain from Ukraine” 25 November 2023

Joint Statement on DPPK-Russia Missile Transfers 9 January 2024

French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024

Common Understandings between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 23 May 2024

Joint Statement by Italy and Switzerland 12 August 2024  



Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine 24 February 2022



Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-term Support between Ukraine and Belgium 28 May 2024



Press Release No. 30: Situation in Ukraine 24 February 2022

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Giving a Voice to Those Who Want Peace in Ukraine 24 February 2023

Joint Communique between Brazil and China on the Deepening of their Global Strategic Partnership 14 April 2023

Common Understandings between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 23 May 2024



Statement by the Prime Minister on the results of Russia’s sham referendums in occupied regions of Ukraine 27 September 2022

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Canada 24 February 2024



Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on International Relations Entering a New Era and Global Sustainable Development 4 February 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the UN Security Council on the Draft Resolution on Ukraine 25 February 2022

Statement by Ambassador Zhang Jun to the UN Security Council 25 February 2022

Five Point Position on the Current Ukraine Issue 26 February 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the UN Security Council on the Resolution on Ukraine  27 February 2022

Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, Talks about China’s Five Pronged Perseverance on Ukraine Issue 1 April 2022

Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun to the UN Security Council 5 April 2022

Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun to the UN Security Council 28 June 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun to the UN Security Council 30 September 2022

China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 24 February 2023

Joint Statement of China and the Russian Federation on Settling the Ukraine Crisis through Dialogue 22 March 2023

Common Understandings between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 23 May 2024



Joint Declaration of Ukraine and Estonia 24 April 2023

Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-term Support between Ukraine and Estonia 27 June 2024



Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and France 16 February 2024

French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024



Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-Term Support between Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany 16 February 2024



Joint Declaration of Ukraine and Iceland 14 March 2023



Explanation of Vote to the UN Security Council 25 February 2022

Statement by Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti to the UN Security Council 28 February 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti on Adoption of Resolution on Ukraine in the UN General Assembly 2 March 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti on UN General Assembly Resolution on Ukraine 24 March 2022

Statement by Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti to the UN Security Council 29 March 2022

Statement by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj to the UN Security Council 24 August 2022

Statement by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj to the UN Security Council 8 September 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj to the UN Security Council 30 September 2022



Speech by the Minister of Defence at the Shangri-La Dialogue 2023 proposing a Ukraine peace plan 3 June 2023  



Press Release by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Condemns Attack in Ukraine 24 February 2022

Press Release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel Votes in Favor of UNGA Resolution 24 March 2022



Joint Declaration of Ukraine and Italy 21 February 2022



Press Conference by the Prime Minister 25 February 2022

Joint Statement on the Special Global Partnership betweeen Ukraine and Japan 21 March 2023

Accord on Support for Ukraine and Cooperation between Ukraine and Japan 13 June 2024



Joint Declaration of Ukraine and Latvia 3 March 2023

Agreement on between Ukraine and Latvia on Long-term Support and Security Commitments 11 April 2024



Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania 27 June 2024



Statement by Foreign Minister Hoekstra in response to the Russian attack on Ukraine 24 February 2022

Statement by Foreign Minister Hoekstra: An Attack at the Heart of Europe 25 February 2022

Speech by Foreign Minister Hoekstra on the One-Year Anniversary of the Start of the War in Ukraine 23 February 2023

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and the Netherlands 1 March 2024



Philippines News Agency, Duterte Maintains Neutral Stance on Russia Ukraine Conflict 17 March 2023



Statement by the Prime Minister on Russian Military Action in Ukraine 24 February 2022

Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Portugal 28 May 2024



Statement by th Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sanctions and Restrictions Against Russia in Response to its Invasion of Ukraine 5 March 2022



Joint Declaration of Ukraine and Slovenia 31 March 2023



Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Spain 27 May 2024



Statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry rejecting Moscow’s recognition of the Separatist Republics 21 February 2022

Press Release regarding the Russian Federation’s Military Operation 24 February 2022



Statement by the Prime Minister on the Situation in Ukraine 22 February 2022

UK Statement to the UN Security Council 22 February 2022

Address by the Prime Minister to the Nation on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine 24 February 2022

Statement by Ambassador Margaret Woodward at the Emergency Security Council Meeting on Ukraine 24 February 2022

Statement by Ambassador Margaret Woodward at the UN General Assembly Emergency Session on Ukraine 28 February 2022

Statement by the Foreign Secretary, UK Support for Ukraine following the Russia’s Invasion 28 February 2022

Statement by the Foreign Secretary to the UN Human Rights Council 1 March 2022

UK Statement on UN General Assembly Vote on Russian Aggression against Ukraine 2 March 2022

Article by the Prime Minister on Ukraine 6 March 2022

UK Statement at the UN General Assembly Emergency Session on Ukraine 23 March 2022

Address by the Prime Minister to the Ukrainian Parliament 3 May 2022

Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki concerning illegal annexation at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine 27 September 2022

UK Statement at the UN Security Council Vote to Condemn Illegal Referenda in Ukraine 30 September 2022

Declaration between the United Kingdom and Ukraine 8 February 2023

Agreement on Security Cooperation between the UK and Ukraine 12 January 2024  

Statement by the UK Prime Minister on Defending the UK and its Allies 15 January 2024



Remarks by President Biden Announcing Response to Russian Actions in Ukraine 22 February 2022

Remarks by President Biden on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine 24 February 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on a UNSC Resolution Condemning Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine 25 February 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on a UNSC Resolution calling for an UNGA Emergency Special Session on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine 27 February 2022

Remarks by President Biden Announcing Actions to Continue to Hold Russia Accountable 11 March 2022

Press Statement by the Secretary of State on War Crimes by Russia’s Forces in Ukraine 23 March 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on a Russian Drafted UN Security Council Resolution on the Humanitarian Situation 23 March 2022

Remarks by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield at the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine 23 March 2022

Statement by President Biden on Russia’s Attempts to Annex Ukrainian Territory 30 September 2022

Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on a UN Security Council Resolution Condemning Russia’s Sham Referenda 30 September 2022

Statement by the Secretary of State on Russia’s Sham Elections in Ukraine 7 September 2022

Remarks by President Biden before the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly 19 September 2023

French-American Roadmap 8 June 2024

Bilateral Security Agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine 13 June 2024



Remarks from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Escalating Tensions in Ukraine 25 February 2022



Washington Institute, The UN Resolution on Ukraine: How Did the Middle East Vote? 2 March 2022

Washington Institute, Middle East Responses to the Ukraine Crisis 4 March 2022

Deutsche Welle, Explained: South-East Asia’s Muted Response to the Ukraine ConflictFrontline, 4 March 2022

David Hutt, What’s Behind South-East Asia’s Muted Ukraine Response?, DW, 3 July 2022

Khaled Mahmoud, Arab Mediation of Ukrainian Crisis: Limited Possibilities, Fanack, 2 December 2022

Premesha Saha, Understanding ASEAN’s Non-Linear Approach to the Russia-Ukraine War, ORF Issue Brief No 596, 16 December 2022

Cristoph Trebesch et al., Ukraine Support Tracker, Kiel Working Paper No 2218, February 2023

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