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Ukraine Options Paper: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms & Peace Agreements

Ukraine Options Paper: Disengagement & Confidence and Security Building

At some point, arrangements for disengaging forces and wider confidence and security building measures will be needed in any peace process between Ukraine and Russia. A range of interventions is conceivable, from immediate ceasefire stabilisation, through wider transparency and verification, to longer-term arms limitation and control measures. This paper explores the options.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms & Peace Agreements

Ukraine Options Paper: Russia-Ukraine Claims Commission

A claims commission could resolve the claims of the two States and their nationals (and potentially even third parties) arising out of the armed conflict in Ukraine. This paper examines the options and issues to consider in establishing a Russia-Ukraine claims commission.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms & Peace Agreements

Ukraine Options Paper: Territory

This paper addresses the territorial claims and issues at stake in the Ukraine conflict and the options for addressing those territorial issues in a peace settlement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms & Peace Agreements

Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

In peace negotiations with Russia, a security guarantee for Ukraine might be contemplated to offset concessions on NATO membership, the exclusion of foreign forces from its territory, and perhaps certain limitations on its longer-range armaments. This paper examines options available in relation to security guarantees for Ukraine.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms & Peace Agreements

Ukraine Options Paper: Weapons of Mass Destruction

This paper analyses the international law applicable to Russia and Ukraine on the disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It offers options for how the issue of WMDs may be addressed in any peace agreement between the conflict parties.

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