This paper examines the international legal background to inclusion and transparency in peace processes, and the relevance for peace negotiations on the Ukraine conflict.
This paper examines the international legal background to inclusion and transparency in peace processes, and the relevance for peace negotiations on the Ukraine conflict.
This paper examines what a dynamic, multi-dimensional peace settlement between the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Ukrainian separatist groups, and other relevant stakeholders should look like.
This paper considers several types of peace provisions, aimed at promoting social reconciliation, which could be used in a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine.
This paper identifies options for ensuring sexual violence is addressed in future negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
Holyrood & Westminster: a consensual divorce? With talk of Scottish independence back on the table, Marc Weller examines the legality of the routes available
This paper examines settlement options to address issues regarding children in the Ukraine conflict and to include them in the settlement process.
This paper examines potential settlement provisions for sanctions on private assets, the possibility of asset seizures, and criminal justice outcomes.
This paper outlines potential models for an international peace operation to contribute to the implementation of an agreement to end hostilities between Russia and Ukraine.