This paper examines design options for a peace settlement that resolves the geopolitical dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, agreed to by the key relevant third-party states and international organisations.
This paper examines design options for a peace settlement that resolves the geopolitical dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, agreed to by the key relevant third-party states and international organisations.
This paper provides an overview of detainees that benefit from a repatriation, release or transfer obligation in the Ukraine conflict and suggests focal points and options for the short-term and long-term peace negotiations in the field of detainee operations.
This background paper sets out the legal framework for analysis of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and examines the implications for any political settlement.
This paper examines different dispute settlement mechanisms that may be used in a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine.
This paper examines the implications of Ukraine’s membership in the European Union for any possible peace settlement for Ukraine.
At some point, arrangements for disengaging forces and wider confidence and security building measures will be needed in any peace process between Ukraine and Russia. A range of interventions is conceivable, from immediate ceasefire stabilisation, through wider transparency and verification, to longer-term arms limitation and control measures. This paper explores the options.
A claims commission could resolve the claims of the two States and their nationals (and potentially even third parties) arising out of the armed conflict in Ukraine. This paper examines the options and issues to consider in establishing a Russia-Ukraine claims commission.
This paper addresses the territorial claims and issues at stake in the Ukraine conflict and the options for addressing those territorial issues in a peace settlement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.