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Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

In peace negotiations with Russia, a security guarantee for Ukraine might be contemplated to offset concessions on NATO membership, the exclusion of foreign forces from its territory, and perhaps certain limitations on its longer-range armaments. This paper examines options available in relation to security guarantees for Ukraine.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

Ukraine Options Paper: Weapons of Mass Destruction

This paper analyses the international law applicable to Russia and Ukraine on the disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It offers options for how the issue of WMDs may be addressed in any peace agreement between the conflict parties.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

Ukraine Options Paper: Ceasefire and Withdrawal

This paper examines the conditions for a comprehensive ceasefire between Ukraine and the Russian Federation and for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Ukrainian territory, based within the framework of international law.

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Ukraine Options Paper: Security Guarantees

Ukraine Options Paper: New European Security Order

The war in Ukraine brings to the surface long simmering tensions between Russia and the West – at the expense of Ukraine. The crisis is both a necessity and an opportunity to repair the European security architecture. This paper considers the options for that new security order.

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Possible Draft of a Framework Agreement on the Restoration of Peaceful Relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

Possible Draft of a Framework Agreement on the Restoration of Peaceful Relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

Marc Weller is Professor of International Law and International Constitutional Studies in the University of Cambridge, the former Director of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and of the European Centre for Minority Issues, a former United Nations Senior Mediation Expert and a Barrister (Middle Temple) at Doughty Street Chambers.

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